A relationship is always a public affair

Dear Its a Guy Thing, I started dating this guy about two months ago, and its going well. We’re taking things slow but we enjoy being around each other.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dear Its a Guy Thing,I started dating this guy about two months ago, and its going well. We’re taking things slow but we enjoy being around each other. However, this whole going slow thing also includes not making our relationship public. I understand not wanting people in my relationship, but to be honest, I’m getting tired of eating in. I want to go out and have dinners and do activities outside of my living room.Also people always say that when a man really likes you, he wants everyone to know. Is this a hint that he may not really be into me? Are we sabotaging this relationship from the start? Please help! Kimberly-------------------------------------

Dear Kimberly,I can understand a couple wanting to shut out the world and concentrating on building the relationship. But I cannot fathom why it would take two months to do that. Perhaps you should ask yourself, why are you still staying in all the time? Is it something he’s encouraging or is it something you are? Is he simply following your lead? Perhaps he assumes that you are the one who wants things to remain constant. I think that you should start slow; for example, invite him for a drink at his favorite drinking hole and await his response. If he refuses, saying that he prefers to stay in, then you have a problem. As you rightly stated, men like to show the world the women they have. If he’s keeping you hidden, I suggest you reevaluate your relationship.If you have a question that you want to ask about the men in your life contact: itsaguything@newtimes.co.rw