5 reasons why couples therapy may not work for you

1. If you are only going to therapy to say you did it. One who already has a new significant other and wants to ease their guilt by saying they went to therapy should save their money. They will need it in court.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

1. If you are only going to therapy to say you did it. One who already has a new significant other and wants to ease their guilt by saying they went to therapy should save their money. They will need it in court.2. Couples who try to fool the therapist. If you pay therapists to listen to your story, but the story isn’t true, it’s not certain who is wasting their time more.3. If you or your partner hates the therapist, it may make you less successful with therapy. Keep shopping until you find one you both are comfortable with and respect.4. If you go to therapy and engage, but don’t do your assignments, you won’t be successful long term. The assignments are part of the process. It leads to better understanding of yourself and your partner.5. If you don’t believe in therapy or you think its voodoo, most likely it will not work for you. Couples must embrace the therapy and believe it will help them restore communication.
