BNR staff top Agaciro contributions

THE National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) management and staff on Monday announced a contribution of Rwf 310m towards the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
BNR staff representative Thu00e9oneste Bahati (R) hands over a dummy cheque to Finance Minister John Rwangombwa as BNR Governor and Vice Governor, Claver Gatete and Monique Nsanzabaganwa (L), respectively, look on. The New Times/J. Mbonyinshuti.

THE National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) management and staff on Monday announced a contribution of Rwf 310m towards the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF).BNR donated Rwf 30 million while its staff donated Rwf 280 million, the biggest contribution to be received from a single institution ever since the fund was launched last week. Announcing the contribution, BNR Governor Claver Gatete commended the government initiative, and pledged the bank’s continuous support. "The central bank understands its role as a partner that helps in the development of the country, we really wanted to show the sign of solidarity but also to show the importance of this fund to the development and sustainability of the country,” said Gatete, commending his staff for their individual contributions.The fund, which was launched by President Paul Kagame, is aimed at supplementing the conventional sources of revenues for the government to be able to implement targeted projects."It is about commitment of each member of staff, Agaciro Development Fund is here to stay…this is not the end, it is the beginning,” he added, stressing the economic impact of the fund on the lives of Rwandans.The Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa, thanked BNR for its contribution, saying it was a good achievement."I think it is the biggest amount so far from a single institution,” said Rwangombwa.On the event to launch the fund, at least Rwf 1.2 billion was pledged from institutions, both public and private and individuals. "What is important is the spirit that makes you contribute, what we are getting is the signal and the proof that Rwandans understood the value of Agaciro Fund,” Rwangombwa said.He encouraged Rwandans to voluntarily contribute to build the country as well as dignify themselves. According to the staff representative of the central bank, Theoneste Bahati, the contribution came from all the 522 staff members of the bank."We agreed with our employer to pay the money and it will be gradually deducted from our salaries. The contribution is not uniform, it varies depending on what each of us earns and what they could afford,” said Bahati.  The funds are collected through three bank accounts; the National Bank of Rwanda (Account Number 120.50.72. Swift code BNRWRW Branch: Headquarter); Bank of Kigali (040-0424687-43 Swift code: BKIGRWRW Branch: Headquarter), and Bank Populaire 408-369-34 98-11 Swift code: bprw Branch: Headquarter).