The first boyfriend

In an email I received, I was told about a boyfriend some girl hooked up with at the beginning of the holiday. She said she didn’t know how to tell her parents about it because she believed they would freak out. She also mentioned that she didn’t know how to go about the whole dating thing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Parents need their teenagers to be responsible when they date. Net photo.

In an email I received, I was told about a boyfriend some girl hooked up with at the beginning of the holiday. She said she didn’t know how to tell her parents about it because she believed they would freak out. She also mentioned that she didn’t know how to go about the whole dating thing. First, I’m flattered that she confided in me and I will use this opportunity to spread the message not just to her but to all of you. One thing you have to understand is that a parent will always look out for their children. They freak out because they know you are way too young to be dating. That is the best way to show you that they care and love you dearly. Look at it from their perspective. Every parent tries to do what is right for their child. They’ve gotten you this far, and they don’t want you messing up your future over some crush.Parents want reassurance - they want to know you will not get into trouble, your grades won’t go down or that ‘he’ won’t make you do anything inappropriate that will put your life and future in jeopardy. As long as they feel like they can trust you and your dating judgment, things may be a little less tense. Your boyfriend should also behave and respect you more if he wants to get accepted into the family.About how to behave in your first relationship - well, this is one thing I believe shouldn’t worry you. If you’re happy together and really like each other, the chemistry will come naturally as you get to know each other. Start with talking about things that interest you both or stuff you have in common. You may wish to talk about movies, TV shows, school, sports, and stuff like that. You are both young and do not need to worry about long term commitments and all of the adult responsibilities that go with it. Good luck!