Poem:College Life

I arrived with a lot of a mixed feeling. I wore my long dresses and skirts with my Hallelujah hairstyle I listened quietly to the instructor during orientation Keenly watching the many friend groups around me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I arrived with a lot of a mixed feeling.I wore my long dresses and skirts with my Hallelujah hairstyleI listened quietly to the instructor during orientationKeenly watching the many friend groups around me.Joining  the so called ”cool guys” groupI slowly learned their way of living and talkingCompletely, I changed my mode of dressing and walkingI moved from mini skirt to mini dresses to mini shorts.Time after time, I went to the extremes just to impress,I missed lectures only to be with my ”buddies”,We dined and chatted all the time playing stupid games,We only met with classmates during meals.Weekends were the days of our whole week,We had fun hopping from party to party, club to clubAll these, in the name of merry-making and fun havingEverything seemed right in my comfort zone.Days turned into months and time moved fastExam timetables come without warning,I run up and down trying to catch up with thingsBut all in vain, I failed my exams because I did a shoddy job.My plea for success forever shunned,For I failed to number my days,Set priorities vapourised before my eyesFun and merry-making lasted for a minute whileMy future doomed for a while.