Is DRC a failed state?

Editor, Some facts: 1-Since 1934, DRC has not been at peace internally for more than two years. 2-For 19 years now DRC has been so kind that it has magnanimously harboured armed groups fighting the Republic of Uganda, Congo Brazza, Central African Republic, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Editor,Some facts: 1-Since 1934, DRC has not been at peace internally for more than two years. 2-For 19 years now DRC has been so kind that it has magnanimously harboured armed groups fighting the Republic of Uganda, Congo Brazza, Central African Republic, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi. 3. Rwanda has been at peace or has worked for and achieved peace with all her neighbours except DRC.4. Since independence, DRC has tried to have some government, be it a democracy, autocracy, kleptocracy or dictatorship, and it has not been successful with any.Cecile, Brussels