Response to father Ruzindana Casmille story about holy trinity

Dear editor, Allow me space in order to correct an erroneous view of Father RUZINDANA Casmille who wrote in Sunday Times of May 18, 2008 about Holy Trinity.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me space in order to correct an erroneous view of Father RUZINDANA Casmille who wrote in Sunday Times of May 18, 2008 about Holy Trinity.

Actually this word was forged long ago when Jesus and his true disciples were no longer on Earth. I pray all the people who read this letter to check on their internet, using GOOGLE, the origin of the TRINITY.

Nowhere in the BIBLE will you find the word TRINITY. And if GOD was Trinity, Jesus would have told us. Instead, he told us his father the only GOD (JOHN 17:3) and that God is greater than him (JOHN 14:28).

He said, his GOD is our GOD (JOHN 20:17).Even if we went back to heaven, he would continue to tell us that his GOD is ours (APOCAL YPSUS 3:12). Remember Apocalypsus was revealed to JOHN by Jesus once back in heaven.

Actually the BIBLE says Jesus is the servant of God), (ACTS 3:13). God never dies (HABAKUK 1:12), yet Jesus died and was raised by God and not by himself (ACTS 2:32).

Moreover Jesus used to pray his’ God, crying and begging God’s help (HEBREW 5:7)! The BIBLE says Jesus is the first born of all creatures (COLOSSIANS 1: 15). He is the first creature of GOD.

As to the Holy Spirit, it is not another God. ! It is simply "the force that God uses”.

For example, if you die, God can give me a holy spirit and I can raise you from the dead. !t is that force that Christians used to make miracles (Resurrection, healing...).

So a true Christian is the one who teaches what JESUS said. He never said God is TRINITY. He never said he is God himself.

In JOHN 1: 18, JESUS told us nobody has seen God. He said GOD is greater than him (JOHN 14:28).He said he ignores some things .For example he said he ignored the date for the last day (MATIHEW 24:36).

The way Father RUZINDANA Casmille wrote about the holy trinity is a mystery which continues to puzzle Christians. Did God give us the BIBLE in order to confuse us?

Not at all! The BIBLE sets us free of lies and human fables such as TRINITY (JOHN 8:32).Let RUZINDANA and his followers be puzzled because they invented wrong BIBLE teachings.

I invite all of you to study the BIBLE seriously, so that pastors and fathers do not lead you astray.
