Kenya to supply Tanzania with oil

Kenya plans to construct a pipeline to supply oil to Tanzania once it starts commercial exploitation of reserves recently discovered in Turkana County.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kenya plans to construct a pipeline to supply oil to Tanzania once it starts commercial exploitation of reserves recently discovered in Turkana County.Kenya’s Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi said the pipeline would link Nairobi to Arusha, with supplies pumped through refinery.A new pipeline will also be built to link the refinery in Isiolo to Nakuru for onward distribution of products to Eldoret and other parts of western Kenya and northern Uganda. Another pipeline would be constructed to connect the refinery to Nairobi."We shall talk to the government of Tanzania to see how we can supply them through a pipeline,” Mr Murungi told a media briefing.Tanzania has recently struck huge reserves of natural gas but is yet to find oil. Kenya, however, has found large reserves of oil in Turkana’s Ngamia-1 well.Agencies