Twagirumukiza gets bail

The former executive secretary of Travaux d’Interêts Générales (TIG), an institution overseeing convicts’ community service, Emmanuel Twagirumukiza was yesterday granted bail by Kacyiru Court of Lower Instance.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The former executive secretary of Travaux d’Interêts Générales (TIG), an institution overseeing convicts’ community service, Emmanuel Twagirumukiza was yesterday granted bail by Kacyiru Court of Lower Instance.

Twagirumukiza who is accused of corruption and related charges had asked court on Wednesday to grant him bail because of his ‘poor health.’

Senator Stanley Safari offered to stand surety for him.

Twagirumukiza had requested the court to grant him bail as investigations into his case continue because of poor health conditions and that there were not strong reasons to convict him.  

He is among others accused of awarding tenders illegally in contravention of principles governing civil workers.

His lawyer, Christopher Niyomugabo, said: "My client is in very poor health; he only has one lung and he may suffer from intense respiratory problems while in detention.

It’s a worrying situation that can even lead to his death.”

Operating under the Ministry of Justice, TIG is a community service programme which oversees convicts when they are serving part of their sentences through community work.

Presiding judge Felix Ndahigwa ruled that Twagirumukiza be investigated while he is out of detention.

The accused was however ordered not to travel outside the country unless he is given permission by the prosecutor who handling the case.

Prosecution alleged that there are strong reasons to believe Twagirumukiza often used his truck registration number RAA390X to transport prisoners to the field during his tenure as head of TIG.

Court also heard that the accused often used his position to get deals from such companies as Kabuye Sugar Works. Court also heard that Twagirumukiza was illegally paid Frw150, 000 daily for using his truck.

He is also accused of using his position to influence the award of a tender worth Frw3 million to one Kamaradi, a charge he however denies.

Both alleged incidents amount to Frw8, 765, 0000.

Prosecution had requested that Twagirumukiza be remanded for thirty days as investigations into the allegations get conducted.
