Relationship: Ever wonder why you get dumped?

There are some pretty consistent reasons as to why guys dump their girlfriends. Since this single life isn’t getting any better, I decided to do a little uncover work to find out why some of us end up being single over and over again!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

There are some pretty consistent reasons as to why guys dump their girlfriends. Since this single life isn’t getting any better, I decided to do a little uncover work to find out why some of us end up being single over and over again!

But please keep in mind that, this doesn’t fit every breakup incidence and it doesn’t apply to every woman but a lot of guys tend to come up with the same reasons! After all, it can’t always be something that the guys did....could it? Or maybe, maybe not!Here are some of the feedbacks that I got from my peculiar uncover work that I wittily conducted among my naïve helpful male friends (who totally had no idea as to why I was asking them these sorts of questions);Women don’t listen. Apparently when a man says something, give him a chance to speak, ladies! Listen to what he says. The problem is that sometimes, a guy will end up with someone that makes him feel as though he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. "We’re not always right, but we do have opinions, and it gets under our skin when we’re made to feel like our opinion doesn’t matter” says my charming male friend "who wants to stay with someone like that?”So this goes out to cyanas who tend to be very dominant in other words bullies, you better style up or else the word spinster will become a permanent black and white tattoo!Women who listen to their friends too much, I have knowingly and repeatedly done this in my past relationships fortunately some guys do understand the need for female friendship and at times can go with the girls’ night out deal. But when you start letting your single girlfriends (who constantly run guys off, or haven’t dated since the last episode of Jefferson) get into the business of your relationship, that’s clearly asking for trouble. And unfortunately for most of us we can’t resist this bond! Wouldn’t you want to think that your man has a mind of his own when he’s out with the guys, right? Just be careful what you decide to bring back from those conversations.The relationships aren’t a family affair. Ladies (single or dating) keep in mind that by being in a relationship it doesn’t mean that the guy is trying to take you away from your family neither is he asking out your family! A friend of mine once mentioned to me that "if a girl is mature enough to leave home and keep what goes on between us just between us, then is it too much to ask of you to do the same?” at that particular time I thought that he was just being a guy (selfish), but in most case we (girls) respond to our emotions without questioning the outcomes. That’s how you find us sugaring every single argument and disagreement that we ever had with you and we end involving members of our family thinking that they can help us to put the blame on you but at the end of the day, even though our families might be having our best interests at heart, what intimately goes on between two people should stay between them. And this dear girls, is rocket science to us! We’re not joined at the hip. Let no research ever lie to you that man are the most territory beasts because we (women ) are worse when it comes to territory, we are control freaks, yes ladies I said it. A guy doesn’t have to go every single place that you go, and neither should he expect you to go everywhere with him. Because that’s what makes our time together special! We each had our own likes and dislikes before we met. Ladies, don’t try to drag your man with you everywhere especially if it’s going to be nothing but you and the girls talking. A guy might be very sweet and polite during your courtship or dating period but sitting down and listening to your talk about hair, nail and fashion, is Guantanamo for most guys but this time it’s with a smile on their face!