Protecting our friends in the wild

Dear editor, The effort and will that ORTPN (OFFICE RWANDAISE DU TOURISME ET DES PARCS NATIONAUX), is showing concerning the protection and conservation of the Mountain Gorillas is truly amazing.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dear editor,

The effort and will that ORTPN (OFFICE RWANDAISE DU TOURISME ET DES PARCS NATIONAUX), is showing concerning the protection and conservation of the Mountain Gorillas is truly amazing.

For us who are nature lovers, this is an inspiration to us to also go an extra mile in terms of conserving our environment.

I encourage other Rwandans to do whatever they can to appreciate the gorillas that God has given us. By the way Rwanda being the biggest habitat in the world for the mountain gorilla is something to be proud of.

Participating in the Kwita Izina ceremony where baby gorillas are given names is one way of appreciating them. These gorillas are not very different from people because they have emotions and can take care of their families just like people do.

This is why I don’t understand people who kill and eat them. It’s like eating a human being. I hereby encourage those who can afford to take time off their busy schedules and go visit these gorillas and enjoy the beautiful nature that surrounds them. You will be surprised to see how relaxing it.

