Is online romance really love?

I highly doubt that Online dating will give you something but I highly doubt that thing is a soulmate. With all the online dating that goes on today, it is difficult to say who is serious and who is just playing with your emotions and wasting your time.

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I highly doubt that

Online dating will give you something but I highly doubt that thing is a soulmate. With all the online dating that goes on today, it is difficult to say who is serious and who is just playing with your emotions and wasting your time. So I choose to rubbish it. I think internet dating is like having a crush on someone from a distance. We’ve all had crushes before–wondering what it’s like to be with that person, kiss them, hold them, smell them and know them. We also know that those crushes vanish as fast as they came!So it makes no sense to me why anyone would go through that kind of trouble when there are perfectly good people in the same area code whom they can date?I’m sure internet dating is fun– for those who fancy adrenaline - but I still think that the lack of physical association is a problem. Torturing yourself with thoughts of what it would be like to be near someone (someone you’ve never even met) who is miles away is just ridiculous.Some might say this isn’t important but as humans we have spent thousands of years forming our intimate relationships based on levels of physical contact. Physical chemistry is extremely important in relationships – it is a real phenomenon and is indeed the thing that is missing online, making so many people wonder if it is real love.Online dating is just a collection of empty promises and no deliveries. With all the pedophiles and creeps online you’d think people would get the point and stick to people they have actually met before but no. Like I said, the only way anyone can even think of trying to score on the net is if they have a fetish for danger. According to, studies show that the strongest predictors of solid relationships are a couple’s live interaction style and ability to handle stress. Data about characteristics like personality and attitudes cannot accurately predict how that real life interaction will function.I think the problem comes down to the people –people who, should they corner you in a bar, will keep you hostage with tales of their exspouses and other dramatic stories. So maybe not all of them are creeps or crazy or just players but even well intentioned people are overwhelmed by the sheer number of options.Also, the honesty online goes about as far as the toothpick in between my teeth. People hardly ever tell the truth, they make up lies ranging from what they do and what they look like to how old they are and stuff like that. That doesn’t leave a lot of room to maneuver once the date discovers the real facts, and they always do!There’s too much acceleration these days like fast food, instant coffee, instant messaging, fast internet…and, predictably, instant relationships!  What happened to good old-fashioned courtship? What happened to taking time to get to know the person you’re dating? Rushing into a relationship with someone you met online is not a wise move and definitely the reason why online dating is a trick. I don’t think these relationships are meant to be serious. We just need to go back to basics and do things they way they are supposed to be done. Boy meets girl, they go out and fall madly in love, get married then live happily ever after.