Pornography can be a nightmare in a relationship

At the mention of the word “pornography” my bet is you are heating up with anxiety and wondering what its that is so important about pornography that I have to discuss it today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

At the mention of the word "pornography” my bet is you are heating up with anxiety and wondering what its that is so important about pornography that I have to discuss it today.It was not until I was attending one of the most controversial lectures when it hit me that the term pornography is sometimes misunderstood or rather has multiple meanings, depending on where you come from and how society has shaped you. Where I come from the word is associated with moral ambiguity and therefore not something I am most comfortable debating about, so I will not be giving you a solid definition of what the term means. But I will tell you the dangers it has done to some relationships.   As I was seated there in my media class wondering what my lecturer was on about discussing pornography- you cannot blame me for wondering, I mean, media and pornography! Where is the connection? Anyway, out of boredom I started a conversation with the girl seated next to me and of course the conversation at hand was going to be pornography.Without shame I asked her if she actually endeavours to get involved in this ungodly act of eye feasting on images that my pastor has continuously begged me and my fellow church-goers to desist from.This young lady told me that just the thought of porn was enough to make her want to throw up her guts- of course I was now wondering what she was still doing in a lecture room where the lecturer said the word pornography every two seconds.But anyway, now she had my undivided attention and I was determined to find out every last detail about her hatred for pornography.I was saddened when she narrated her failed relationship with a young porn addict, a relationship that left her abused, frustrated and disgusted with all sexual activity. I had no idea that pornography can be as serious as a drug and perhaps also needs rehabilitation. This girl told me of how her boyfriend always tried out different things on her, things that he watched. pornography totally corrupted his head. According to her, the only way to show off his masculinity was by dominating her sexually and also going as far as inserting objects in some shady places. I was not brave enough to sit through the story, but it got me thinking that pornography is one of the worst things that can ever happen to a relationship. People will continuously want to try out what they see and in the process people will get hurt.We cannot stop people or ourselves from watching porn but we can control what the material does to us and what we are capable of doing to other people.