Africa will miss Meles Zenawi

Editor, There is no doubt that Males Zanawi, who passed away early this week, was one of the most ideologically clear leaders Africa has ever had. Ethiopia died under Haille Selasie and was buried under Haile Mariam.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Editor,There is no doubt that Males Zanawi, who passed away early this week, was one of the most ideologically clear leaders Africa has ever had. Ethiopia died under Haille Selasie and was buried under Haile Mariam.Africa has lost a man of grit and steel who turned a divided, poor, backward, failed country into one of the fastest growing counties in a single decade.Meles was a man on a mission to deliver Ethiopia to dignity and worth. He never amassed wealth like many other African leaders. His disdain for the corrupt, the arrogant and the courtiers was legendary.His human rights record will be a matter for debate, depending on who is talking, but Meles made it clear he would not suffer intrigue, local or foreign patiently.And his impatience to move Ethiopia from a begging basket case to a level that would not be easily derailed after him often brought him into collision with dubious and so called "human rights” defenders.For him, Ethiopians’ human rights were about pulling themselves from divisive politics and poverty, the two major problems that lay at the root of social and economic crisis.Meles fired local, corrupt or arrogant state functionaries days after hiring them, defended the weak, challenged his ministers with his own stock of knowledge (of which he had abundant amounts), and reached out to the poor with a fishing rod rather than actual fish.He knew of course he was mortal, so under him very powerful institutions were built; the army was made clearly and patently subservient to civilian authority and the majority of Ethiopians now own their development agenda. Rest in eternal peace brother.KayKabuga, Kigali


Editor,Meles Zenawi had done his part. History will acknowledge his contribution to his country and Africa, in general. He toppled the bloody dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam and restored democracy.We really lost an African hero. People will comment, extremists will say whatever they want including negative judgments, but we truly lost an African hero. Man can never be perfect. But I think Meles tried his best.Kaita