Work on your self esteem and then what people say about you won’t matter!

The main challenge that young woman face today is the way society perceives them. Most young women have failed to achieve their goals and dreams just because some things are considered a taboo in their society.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The main challenge that young woman face today is the way society perceives them. Most young women have failed to achieve their goals and dreams just because some things are considered a taboo in their society. I’m not undermining Rwandan culture, but there are some of cases where culture tends to limit our capabilities. I remember when I was pursuing my career as a journalist some people discouraged me, saying that in the Rwandan culture a talkative woman is looked at as a ‘radical’. If it was not my childhood dream to become a journalist I believe I could have given up. Apparently in our culture being talkative or eloquent young woman gets you the moniker ‘umugore w’ inshanutsi’ (a woman who talks out of turn). One would think that such a mindset would have changed but, when you meet people making such comments, is when it dons on you that nothing has really changed.I advise the young women out there to step up your game and disapprove these people who still believe that the only place for a woman is at home and in the kitchen. What other people think about you is not what you are. You are capable of achieving your dreams and goals; all you need to do is learn how to resist the challenges that come your way by finding possible solutions. According to Linda Lowen, author of ‘Is ‘Having It All’ Possible for Women’, having it all (career, marriage, children, success, happiness) is the goal of many women. But can you have it all without losing yourself in the process? She says that some women give up sleep to gain extra hours in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. Is "having it all” a realistic goal for women?Responding to Linda’s question, Choong, a doctor, responded that "nothing can stop a woman”.  She went on, saying that that to be able to achieve and dedicate yourself to the service of others is the purpose of life. No amount of wealth, power or success is of any use unless sacrifices are made. To have it all means to see others succeed in their lives and that their achievements is in a way yours too. Self sacrifice for the achievements of others;  that is the ultimate happiness and having it all! She concluded by saying "I learnt that my peace of mind comes when I have done my best and that whoever I motivate along the way, will do so to another and the wheel keeps on moving”.