Editorial; Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first.  Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated and their challenges tackled.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you this week’s magazine. Our sole goal is give a voice to Rwanda’s women by offering a place where their interests come first.  Thereby ensuring that their achievements are celebrated and their challenges tackled.While we don’t have our usual  exclusive interview, which will return next week, we have chosen to highlight women’s achievements in the just-concluded London Olympic Games. Our athletes, although lacking in medals, certainly did not lack in effort and pride. Our guest writer, Melanne Verveer, argues that the Games have been a showcase for women’s abilities and we agree with her.Our relationship expert, the indomitable Rachel Garuka tackles the issue of rebound relationships and their pros and cons.  Should we wallow in our misery while we deal with breakups? Or should we jump at the first opportunity to get into a new relationship. Or a new bed at least. She breaks it all down for is in her indomitable manner.Its football season again and once again, our significant others are watching it far from home. Our resident male expert gives insightful advice to the women out there who feel like tearing their hair out in frustration. Are you the kind of person to come home, straight from work and plop in front of the television to watch an interesting series? Well, perhaps we can suggest ‘The forgiveness of the blood’, an exciting movie that you can rent or download. Or perhaps you are the type to sip some tea and quietly enjoy a book instead? Well, if you are, turn to page six and see the suggestions we have. We wish you all a great week and a good read