Belgian authorities should punish xenophobic attacks

Allow me to respond to a story that appeared in The Sunday Times of August, 19, where it was reported that hundreds of Rwandans living in Belgium held a peaceful demonstration on Saturday to protest against the violence that is targeting Rwandans living Belgium by a clique of Congolese youth.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Allow me to respond to a story that appeared in The Sunday Times of August, 19, where it was reported that hundreds of Rwandans living in Belgium held a peaceful demonstration on Saturday to protest against the violence that is targeting Rwandans living Belgium by a clique of Congolese youth.Xenophobia is very dangerous and should not be tolerated on our continent. The attackers should be held accountable. For the case in Belgium, it’s pretty easy because the Congolese living there have to behave responsibly or else get thrown out. You can’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.The Belgian government should intervene and arrest those who attack innocent civilians. Such are primitive and shouldn’t be tolerated.Rwanda is home to thousands of Congolese, including those who just came over in search of jobs. Yet nobody has dared touch them. That’s what I call civilization. Daniel K.Kigali