The way you are

Before I learned more about myself, I used to ask myself who I was. It always left me confused till I learnt that the first step in knowing who I was was to accept myself just the way I am.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Understanding who you are is one way to live a happy life. Net photo.

Before I learned more about myself, I used to ask myself who I was. It always left me confused till I learnt that the first step in knowing who I was was to accept myself just the way I am. Are you the kind of person that airs your achievements to the whole world? Are you prouder than you have the right to be or so engrossed in your own life that nothing else matters?  Are you the kind that easily takes the compliments from others? Do you feel like you are God’s gift to mankind? Do you accept your mistakes or decide to be defensive? Or maybe you are the kind that covers up a mistake by finding someone else to blame just so you can come off as perfect all the time. Do you believe you’re good enough to be loved by others –do you deserve their love? Or do you wish you looked a certain way to get people to like you more? Don’t be too hard on yourself for no one is perfect. Bad traits can be changed and good ones can be improved. It’s okay to be confident as long as you do not make others feel bad about themselves in the process. Understand that any feeling of self doubt will fill you with a sense of inadequacy and is a sign of failure to accept yourself.

It doesn’t matter how you look or the way the people see you - what matters is accepting yourself for who you are and being the best person you can be to others.