Be careful with your account

You are probably unaware that the manner in which you operte your bank account affects your financial discipline.

Monday, August 20, 2012

You are probably unaware that the manner in which you operte your bank account affects your financial discipline.Most people are casual about financial discipline when it comes to operating their bank accounts but little do they know that this could spell the death knell to their dreams. It is thus noteworthy to figure out how to operate an account.  Issuing bouncing checks, overdrawing your account, requesting for too many overdrafts and over withdrawal of funds may be detected by your banker, prompting it to scrutinise your banking habits which may wrongfully be termed as fraud.So how does this affect you? There are so many ways this may affect you and worse still, you may not easily recognise that this is linked with the manner in which you utilise your account. In case you may need a loan, it will be difficult for any bank to trust you since your banking habits are unreliable.Secondly, in case you need a bank statement, or a recommendation from the bank, do not expect it thereby forgoing many life changing opportunities through inattention.In most countries, you are even denied a bank account in case your past financial discipline was not up to scratch especially if you may have happened to issue many bouncing checks, failed to pay overdrafts or dodged to pay your bills.So, how can you  maintain your account by the book?First , make sure you have more deposits than withdrawals. You can limit withdrawals by always making sure that you budget for your daily expenditure and withdraw money at once.  Do not issue a bouncing cheque if you are aware that the amount against it does not exist on your account. Try to always agree with your creditors not to bank your cheque before they contact you on an agreed date. Most importantly, always issue a cheque as security only if you are sure you would be able to make cash payments.