GBV campaign needs collective efforts

Editor, Allow me to respond to a story that was published in The New Times of August 16, under the headline “GBV campaigns paying off”. It is interesting to learn that residents of Rweru Sector in Bugesera District, Eastern Province have benefited from educative programmes aimed at reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Editor,Allow me to respond to a story that was published in The New Times of August 16, under the headline "GBV campaigns paying off”. It is interesting to learn that residents of Rweru Sector in Bugesera District, Eastern Province have benefited from educative programmes aimed at reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases.Let us, however, not forget that 881 cases in one year (2011) in Kigali are but the tip of the iceberg. The study about GBV in Sub-Saharan Africa (2010) discloses that 34 per cent of all ever-married women in Rwanda have faced physical or sexual violence. But let us not despair, let us try even harder and give women and children their human rights.Per-Ake Andersson