I hate people who…

I hate people who… …only want to associate with you when you are successful. I think it is just because I have not yet become a millionaire but many of my rich friends, have suffered from this and I take this chance to hate on their behalf and hope they will send something to my bank account. I am talking about those fools who do not care about you, but when they hear that you are successful they want a front row seat in your life.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I hate people who… …only want to associate with you when you are successful. I think it is just because I have not yet become a millionaire but many of my rich friends, have suffered from this and I take this chance to hate on their behalf and hope they will send something to my bank account. I am talking about those fools who do not care about you, but when they hear that you are successful they want a front row seat in your life. I always meet some of them who mistake me for being rich and they begin by talking about how you have gained weight (I didn’t know this was a measure of success) and then proceed with that tired line of oh I lost my old phone as well as your phone number.   …laugh at those who do things they themselves cannot attempt. I really wish I could get permission to slap those fools who laughed at our representatives at the Olympics. I have heard annoying comments from people who partake in no sport at all. If you cannot do something you should respect those who can. If you think respecting them is quite hard, then just keep your lips close together. I wonder where these noisy part time thinkers were when the Olympic committee was looking for people to represent us. At least, I tried to go but I was told that hating is not an Olympic sport. …pretend to be experts on issues they clearly know nothing about. I think you all know that I am a certified expert when it comes to hating. I hate so well that some dictionaries have my name in the brackets after the verb hate. However, you find some jokers offering advice on topics they know nothing about. It is always annoying when I see someone in a commuter taxi talking about aviation issues. Do they think that because the Nyamirambo taxi they are sitting in has Air Force written at the back, it is therefore an aircraft? Maybe they confuse the speed at which Jaguar buses move to be the same as that used by planes on the runway. …always doubt and slow down government programmes. The other day, population census enumerators were moving from one house to another to count people living in Rwanda. However some jokers were giving them hard time by not opening their gates for them while others were instead asking them so many questions instead of being helpful. For sure these are the fools that do not count as far as development is concerned. How I wish we could count them and find another planet to keep them until they learn some manners.   …talk about the Premier league as if it is a national event. The English premier league is back again. It is not that I hate it after all I am not even a footballer. However, I have to use so much energy when hating on people who talk about it as if it a national event. These idle jokers wish that our national papers had the tales of Manchester and Arsenal on the front page of our newspapers each day. And who is this Van Persie who switched clubs? How come when I switch my shirts no one talks about The Hater? Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293