Make use of Zebra crossing

Zebra crossings are paintings which are in colours black and white, they are found in the middle of the roads we use normally when going to and from school.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Zebra crossings are paintings which are in colours black and white, they are found in the middle of the roads we use normally when going to and from school.

Children are advised to always use the zebra crossing when crossing busy roads. Some of our roads in Kigali city are busy with many cars and can be a problem to pedestrians.

Zebra crossings and the traffic lights help children to safely cross the roads.

The traffic lights help to control speeding vehicles and allow pedestrians to cross without being knocked down by cars.

Children who do not use the zebra crossing or don’t follow the instructions of the traffic lights when crossing roads are likely to be knocked by running cars.

If you don’t know how to use the zebra crossings, it is always good to move with some one who will help you cross the road with ease.
