RPF’s silver jubilee

Editor, It is true that the ruling party has performed well over the last 18 years. Like Christine Odette observed in her letter titled “Lessons from RPF’s silver jubilee” (The New Times, August 16) even for the detractors, what the RPF has done for Rwandans and the country cannot be sneered at.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Editor,It is true that the ruling party has performed well over the last 18 years. Like Christine Odette observed in her letter titled "Lessons from RPF’s silver jubilee” (The New Times, August 16) even for the detractors, what the RPF has done for Rwandans and the country cannot be sneered at.However, it is also important that we keep highlighting areas where we have come short and criticize where necessary. If you have been through a well endeavoured education system, you will agree that any policy does have shortcomings.Therefore, we should also cast an eye on the shortcomings in order to build a better and accommodative party. We’re not done yet.Ronald RutayisireKigali