How clean is your restroom?

A dirty bathtub or toilet could cost you health wise since it puts you at a high risk of contracting diseases such as Candida.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
A woman cleaning her bathtub. Net photo.

A dirty bathtub or toilet could cost you health wise since it puts you at a high risk of contracting diseases such as Candida.Bathtubs and toilets are parts of the house that need to be kept extremely clean especially if used by more than two people. It feels very uncomfortable for most women to visit Gynecologists when they contract such diseases, since for the majority, it’s a bit embarrassing.However, such diseases can’t be avoided while using dirty bathtubs and toilets. Women have to ensure that the whole bathroom area, bathtub, sink and toilet seat are very clean.Use of public toilets isn’t also healthy although it’s inevitable when nature calls. However, you should still use them wisely to avoid spread of contagious diseases.When using a public toilet, don’t sit on the toilet seat unless they have toilet seat covers that you sit on and dispose off after. If you have been to Umubano Hotel, you have seen these.However most or even all public toilets don’t have these toilet seat covers but if you really feel the need to sit, you could improvise with toilet paper. Get the toilet paper then cover it all over the toilet seat so that you don’t sit directly on the toilet seat whose previous use could be suffering from some weird rash or any nasty contagious diseases.Whether it’s a public lavatory or that in your home, you still have to keep it extremely clean. For the bathtubs, scrub with vim or detergent every after use while for the toilet, flash or pour water and use a toilet brush to clean as well. If your bathroom and toilet are kept super clean, then you will also be healthy since you’ll be protecting yourself from diseases that may affect your private parts.You should also be health conscious when using public toilets, for the good of your health.