Things every woman should stash in her car

Standard emergency kit items This includes things like a flashlight, tire gauge and everything else that will help if the car suddenly stopped.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Standard emergency kit items

This includes things like a flashlight, tire gauge and everything else that will help if the car suddenly stopped.Personal paper products

Tissue is an essential as you may never know when you’ll need it. Face wipes are also a must have more so with the heat right now.Umbrella

This is another one of those "But I have one in the house/in my purse/at my office” sorts of things where there’s always a reason not to bother. Umbrellas are cheap and small, and no matter how many you own, you will one day find yourself in the car in a torrential downpour.Cell phone charger

While a cord that fits into your cigarette lighter, so does the phone charger.  If your cell phone is a lifeline making sure you have a way to charge it on the go is just common sense. Reusable shopping bags

Paper bags are not exactly that comfortable to carry. If you’re one of those that like doing a lot of shopping, it is wise to carry a shopping bag that won’t easily wear out.Chewing gum

After driving from home without talking to anyone and get stuck in traffic jam for about an hour, you might need to chew this gum before talking to anyone.Money

Nothing is more annoying that entering a parking lot and then finding out that you don’t have coins to pay the parking fee. Always keep some spare coins in the car for these situations