The mentality of women not being financial capable should change

With women’s empowerment, gone are the days when they entirely depended on men for financial support. Some men should stop blaming women for their financial constraints. It’s disheartening to hear young men, sitting in a group, talking about how women are drying out their bank accounts.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

With women’s empowerment, gone are the days when they entirely depended on men for financial support. Some men should stop blaming women for their financial constraints. It’s disheartening to hear young men, sitting in a group, talking about how women are drying out their bank accounts. Last week, I was forced into an argument with four unmarried men, all in their late twenties, complaining about ways women have turned them into ATMs. They claimed that women fall for them mainly because they earn a lot. I swear it’s just that I don’t believe in violence but these young men needed a little scolding for making such a statement. I discovered that I had to beat them at their game. That was when I made myself their case study. They all know that I work, I have my own place and I foot my bills even when I’m out with them. They didn’t argue because they know that for a fact. Then I asked them how they would feel if the guy I’m moving out claimed that I’m dating him for his money. Their response was amazing! They said that they would beat the hell out of him. So this is when I told them to swallow their lamentations and grievances that most young women are dating them for their money.   Some men don’t know how to express how they feel about a woman, thus they opt to use their financial power to impress the woman. With this kind of attitude, men should not blame the women. In the first place the woman didn’t ask or beg you to buy them the expensive gifts. It’s in rare incidents when a person is given a gift and they reject it. I don’t know if some of these men who claim that women have turned them into ATMs have ever come across this saying ‘money can buy lust but not love’. Maybe if they did, they would surely revise their dating strategies. The 21st Century women are financially empowered and it’s not hard for them to solve their own financial problems.  Therefore, I’m advising my young brothers out there to work on the way they impress women they want to date. Women enjoy the simple moments in life but if you buy her a present don’t make it look like she asked for it!