Editorial:Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.In this issue, we talked to Janet Nkubana, the co-founder of Gahaya Links. She is truly an amazing woman. She reveals to us her challenging path to her present success and shows that, if she could make, so can anyone else. She is truly a great example to all of us, men and women.Our relationship expert, the indomitable Rachel Garuka tackles the issue of ‘Why don’t men want to commit’?  That has been a question that women have been asking themselves for centuries and she pretty much breaks it all down. It’s a very interesting read.  Do you always have annoying backache? Perhaps it’s because you have weak back muscles. Turn to page seven and learn what exercises you can do to make that pain go away. Are you the kind of person to come home, straight from work and plop in front of the television to watch an interesting series? Well, perhaps we can suggest COPS, an exciting television show that is being shown on Star Media. Or perhaps you are the type to sip some tea and quietly enjoy a book instead? Well, if you are, turn to page six and see. For these articles and more, read on.We wish you all a great week and a good read