Nyamagabe teenager ‘murdered’

NYAMAGABE-A 19 year-old girl has been found dead in Nyamurambi Cell, Musebeya Sector of Nyamagabe District.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

NYAMAGABE-A 19 year-old girl has been found dead in Nyamurambi Cell, Musebeya Sector of Nyamagabe District.The body of Therese Mukashema had cuts on the neck, eyewitnesses said, suggesting she might have been killed with a machete.By press time, the Police was still investigating the death. One individual (names withheld) has been arrested in connection with the incident.The Mayor, Philbert Mugisha, urged residents to help police in cracking down on crime.  "Let’s join our hands together to secure our communities”, he pleaded as he addressed local residents on Monday."You need to keep your eyes open and whenever you suspect someone, do not hesitate to share such fears with us.”The body of Mukeshimana was retrieved four days after a 70-year-old man was found dead in Buruhukiro Sector. Residents said Justus Simbiga, went missing for two weeks before his body was found.