How to live a successful and happy life

Take care of yourself If you ever want other people to take care of you and love you the way you are, you have to first love yourself. The world will be a better place if you also believe in yourself and not just others.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Success should be your ultimate goal in life. Net photo.

Take care of yourself

If you ever want other people to take care of you and love you the way you are, you have to first love yourself. The world will be a better place if you also believe in yourself and not just others.Complete your past

You past will always surface during times of hardships but don’t give it time. You might think you are reacting to something important yet it’s just a memory - the future ahead is way more important.Stop being angry

This doesn’t mean you must pretend all is fine and never get angry. It means you should let go of anger situations easily. Anger dims your light by sucking your energy.Make integrity a priority

You’ll feel better about yourself when you abide by your standards. Don’t live beyond your means. The better you feel about yourself, the brighter you’ll shine.Don’t avoid issues

Don’t shy away from anything that bothers you, the more you communicate the more you shine.Be fearless

Everything worth doing involves a risk. Sure, you may have stumbled or been disappointed before, but the difference between success and failure is how to pick up oneself when a fall comes. It’s important to take fearless decisions.Be generous and kind

Do something kind and loving expecting nothing in return. The world is round and when you give with no strings attached, it shall come back to you.Have compassion

Stand in some ones shoes, and you will see the world in a more realistic way. If you understand people, people will understand you.Count your blessings

Count your blessings, celebrate your life. And that attitude of gratitude will light up your life.