Gicumbi holds advisory council by-elections

Theophile Sanvura has been elected member of Gicumbi District Advisory Council in Kagyeyo Sector.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Theophile Sanvura has been elected member of Gicumbi District Advisory Council in Kagyeyo Sector. Sanvura sailed through unopposed after Gilbert Rubayita, a Manager with Energy, Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) and John Nkunzurwanda, withdrew their candidatures. This paves way for the election of a new Mayor slated for Friday. Rubayita pulled out for personal reasons while Nkunzurwanda was away to attend a relative’s burial. The advisory council seat fell vacant upon the resignation of former Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi.Sanvura said he will advocate for the district leadership to overturn the rapidly deteriorating district performance."I will support all programs that are meant to benefit the public, both socially and economically,” he said.Sanvura stressed the need for infrastructural development. Jean de Dieu Rutatika, the Electoral Commission official in charge of the Western Province said that tomorrow, a female representative to fulfil the 30 per cent gender requirement, will be elected.The mayoral elections are set to take place on August 17.