COMMENTARY: Identifying a good performing company

From the research I have done from various good performing companies, one firm shared its experience on how it changed the attitude of its employees. This was achieved by focusing on both the enablers and disablers in words; the company identifies ‘MUST HAVE’ principles as well as intolerable attitudes.

Monday, August 13, 2012
Lewis Ndichu

From the research I have done from various good performing companies, one firm shared its experience on how it changed the attitude of its employees. This was achieved by focusing on both the enablers and disablers in words; the company identifies ‘MUST HAVE’ principles as well as intolerable attitudes. I will share with you ‘Must have’ principles placing the right talent in the right job makes you the employer of choice. A company focuses on attracting and retaining the best talent not on any other consideration. It enhances team spirit and team work, through proper and through communication, where emphasis is on one time, one vision, participation, involvement and unity in achieving objectives. The team is focused, result oriented and target driven. Everyone aims for the bull’s eye. They deliver on promise and continuously strive for excellence. The company has embraced innovation and diversity by taking time to study and know its environment with a view to responding pro actively and achieving a feat.This has in turn led them to stand out as a market leader in creating business solution in the sector. They keep their ears to the ground and responsive to market changes acting fast on opportunities, anticipating and responding to change in the business environment. They do not work to catch up. Instead they work to be the pacesetters. Customer services excellence is another business determination upon which this company places much value. Everyone is willing to go and actually goes, the extra mile in meeting and exceeding customer expectations. It is the pride of everyone to see and feel service at his best. They celebrate personal dedication commitment and hard work. They pay attention to details and integrity in all they do and reward passion for excellence and self discipline. The search for effective system, policies and procedures is continuous. There is a deliberate adoption of best practices within the system for super performance. Their policies and procedures are organized and structured. They are the guiding factor in their day to day operations. They preach and practice good corporate, governance and accountability at all levels. All round integrity and best business practice is emphasized all the time.The firm makes deliberate and sustained efforts to create a good working environment to work in. There is fair reward for performance commensurate with individual contribution. A clear career path is defined, showing succession planning and a specific opportunity for professional growth for people staff training and development is treasured. There is coaching and mentoring, empowering people enhancing capacity of the staff to play more responsible roles in the organization and learning never stop. This organisation acts in support of community felt needs and believes that it exists for the society. These principles have become the formula for the success and the enablers. Every one strives to live by them; those who do not do so only insolate themselves.  Lewis Ndichu is a young entrepreneur, the Founder of Easy Goal Entrepreneurs Networks.