Parties meet over code of conduct

EASTERN PROVINCE: KAYONZA - Representatives from political organizations operating in the country are in a two-day retreat at hotel Akagera in Kayonza district to discuss the code of conduct for political organizations.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


KAYONZA - Representatives from political organizations operating in the country are in a two-day retreat at hotel Akagera in Kayonza district to discuss the code of conduct for political organizations.

The retreat started Friday May 16. Hon. Donatilla Mukabalisa, the president of the Ethics and Conduct Committee (the committee that organized the retreat) said the code of conduct for political organizations should follow the 2003 constitution. In its articles 52, 53 and 54, the constitution calls on political parties to operate democratically and to foster unity and reconciliation amongst Rwandans.

The spokesperson of the forum for political parties, François Ngarambe, reminded participants that politics is not an easy job, adding that politicians who have a negative line of thinking can easily contaminate the entire society.

He appealed to political parties and their members not to repeat the mistakes that characterized Rwanda in the past, leading to Genocide.

He urged politicians to appreciate and make good use of the political space and democratic environment that has been created to benefit Rwandans.

"The current political space does not give room to discrimination," said Ngarambe who is also the Secretary General for the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF).

He called upon participants to extend the knowledge obtained to their party members and to conduct themselves well during the elections.

Parliamentary elections are slated for September this year.He told them to be mindful of Article 5 of the code of conduct of the forum for political parties, which punishes any political party activist who issue sstatements that may aim at dividing Rwandans.

Each of the nine political parties operational in the country is represented by two members.
