Real Estate developers should invest in hostels

Over the last few years, university enrollment rates have surged. More students are joining higher institutions of learning – which have also increased in number.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Over the last few years, university enrollment rates have surged. More students are joining higher institutions of learning – which have also increased in number.However, while focus has been on increasing the number of programmes and construction of classrooms, student accommodation has not received its due attention.This has forced students to reside in dire conditions that do not foster a favourable learning environment. For example they are reports of overcrowding or having to walk long distances to get to school.While Universities may not have the responsibility to provide conducive accommodation for every student, they should take the lead in mobilizing support for the construction of hostels.Rwanda’s Real Estate industry is growing and this is an area that developers can be encouraged to venture into.The Universities can negotiate incentives, such as tax breaks, or even enter partnerships with private investors so that hostels are put up.Most institutes of Higher learning actually have the land but lack the funding to construct and this is where the partnerships can bear fruit.It goes without saying that the more comfortable the students are, the better their academic performance. This should be the guiding principle to justify why student accommodation should be a priority for the universities.