Preparations for RPF silver jubilee kick off

Members of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) have been urged to build on the existing success to make the country more prosperous. The call was made as the party launched a series of celebrations in a build-up to its 25th anniversary.

Monday, August 13, 2012
Minister Protais Musoni pulls out a business card from his wallet to give it to Jeanne Mukandahiro of Niboye Sector, Kicukiro District, whom he gave a cheque of Rwf100, 000 to help boost her business. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Members of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) have been urged to build on the existing success to make the country more prosperous. The call was made as the party launched a series of celebrations in a build-up to its 25th anniversary.The ruling party, which has been in power for the last 18 years, will commemorate its Silver Jubilee on December 15.In the build-up, party members will participate in activities to support the most vulnerable, including donating cows, health insurance as well as household items.Speaking at one of the events held in Kicukiro District, yesterday, a senior RPF cadre, Protais Musoni, who is also Cabinet Affairs minister, observed that history has proved that countries that have developed remarkably are those governed by visionary political parties.He noted that RPF has managed to address the country’s pressing challenges due to its organisational discipline, among other principles."I request you to ensure that RPF governs this country for at least 100 years, and does it in exemplary manner,” Musoni told hundreds of the party’s faithful who turned up to grace the occasion.Musoni added that at the time RPF was born "Rwanda was characterised by poverty, ethnic divisions and total lack of respect on the international arena.”"The Government of the time deprived the citizenry of its dignity,” he told a jubilant crowd chanting the party’s slogans.Musoni further rallied the party members to embrace a culture of assisting the poor in their midst to move out of abject poverty regardless of the political affiliations."Strive for the greater good,” he urged.Musoni, a resident of Kicukiro himself, advised the party faithful to distance themselves from injustice and corruption, saying the two are enemies of progress. "Do not be jealous of each other. Show solidarity to the needy,” he advised.The Mayor of Kicukiro, Paul Jules Ndamage, highlighted the achievements the district has made during RPF’s reign."The majority of the roads are tarmaced and settlements are up to plan,” he said.At the ceremony, 10 modest traders were given Rwf100,000 each by individual RPF members, with a view to help them build their businesses stronger.Meanwhile, speaking in Huye District, RPF Member of Parliament Innocent Kayitare, challenged the members to be active and remain committed to transforming the lives of the vulnerable neighbours.Kayitare urged area party members to work hard as engines of national development.He noted that the preparations for the anniversary had been launched months ahead to help members reflect on the gains made and takemeasures to spur development.The lawmaker told party members to be inclusive in their outreach programmes."The activities are a reminder to members to reflect on the party’s principles of good governance, economic growth, people’s welfare andjustice,” he said.The party has also organised competitions, including football, cycling and running in the buildup to the Silver Jubilee.