Kudos to PSF on a great achievement!

Editor, I was very pleased to read the article titled “ Expo created 1000 jobs” in The NewTimes, August, 11.

Monday, August 13, 2012
A foreign exhibitor talks to a client at the just concluded Expo. The New Times / File.

Editor, I was very pleased to read the article titled " Expo created 1000 jobs” in The NewTimes, August, 11.Kudos to the Private Sector Federation on this great achievement. The fact that the Expo attracted close to 500 exhibitors from as many as 20 countries , only goes to show the strong appetite for developing trade , tourism and investments between Rwanda and countries from all corners of the world.The cornerstone of the economic policy of Rwanda is private sector - led investment.  While the Government of Rwanda has in the past and will, for sure,  in the future, continue  to lay the foundation and provide a suitable climate for trade, and investments, it is ultimately the private sector which must play a key role and " take advantage of boosting this sector socially and economically”.The Expo also provides great encouragement by awarding outstanding exhibitors in 12 categories. This type of support and  recognition by the PSF will surely encourage a healthy competition and help Rwanda to get a fair share of trade and investments in the EAC region.Wishing the PSF many more successful  Expos in the years ahead. Clarence  Fernandes