“Grasshoppers are Back in Town”

From the beer thieves at “B Club”, sorry, I am made to believe that, the name was changed from “B” to “K Club”; I don’t know if that is a form of grading or rating but what is true is that, the “booze” thieves are giving a bad name to the otherwise nice place.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

From the beer thieves at "B Club”, sorry, I am made to believe that, the name was changed from "B” to "K Club”; I don’t know if that is a form of grading or rating but what is true is that, the "booze” thieves are giving a bad name to the otherwise nice place.  Someone was suggesting that, maybe, the thieves are doing so under the watchful eyes of the managers as a means of increasing their sale; your booze gets stolen, you buy other booze!  Otherwise, guy’s better style up or else we shall catch up with you sooner than later.  This club is a place I will visit time and again, only this time, I will be more careful with my drinks!  This is yet another time of the year when town suffers from the menace or presence of so many "grasshoppers”, such that, many of us, especially amateur drivers are finding it hard to drive straight.  In spite of it being in the middle of a dry season, the hoppers have come in full swing; in reaction to the above, the drivers drive while swinging their heads from left to right as if they are the "wipers” of their vehicles. How else how would you apply wipers in the dry season?  It is like someone donning "Sun Glasses” at night!  I’m told that, the head shifting phenomena is either a manoeuvre to "dodge” or to get a good view of the "grasshoppers”.  The problem is that, unlike the normal grasshoppers that hop in or on the grass, these chose to hop on the roads, walkways, NAKUMATT, Simba supermarkets, Clubs, etcetera.   I suppose, traffic Police should put up an alert that should read,"Grasshoppers are Back in Town, drive carefully”.   By the way, these creatures come in all colours, some have their attires sticking to the legs like leggings; they are all dressed for the summer!  The other day, I saw a man walk into a Street Light Post as he ogled at a "grasshopper” that was walking in the opposite direction. Everything has a price; he went home with a sore face, thanks to the "grasshopper”.  Apart from the supermarkets, the EXPO is another place I hate to visit, too many "grasshoppers” there too; they could easily fall into one’s eyes!  Many guys have decided to move with the eyes covered, not that they cannot see but when they see, nobody sees that they are seeing.  You might be wondering as to how this can be accomplished, simple, they wear Sun Glasses, even at night in order to camouflage! Comrades, take heart, the rainy season is near and when that comes, it will mark the end of the "grasshopper” season.  In the meantime, we shall have to contend with the menace and pray that, as few as possible, few of us will either walk into lamp posts or drive off the road; God forbid, we should not have fatalities or else, He should do away with the "grasshoppers” by forcing school to re-open sooner than later!