When “Beautiful people” at Lemigo brought back memories

Last weekend, I went along with some buddies to attend the highly rated “Beautiful people” party at Lemigo. It was superb! All walks of life walked through the Lemigo gates to check out what was happening to beautiful people!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Last weekend, I went along with some buddies to attend the highly rated "Beautiful people” party at Lemigo. It was superb! All walks of life walked through the Lemigo gates to check out what was happening to beautiful people! Needless to say that some people appeared to be very beautiful in the darkish disco hall – but when you met that individual in the well lit corridors, the beauty somehow vanished! Moreover, when we took more swallows of the cold Tusker beers, the beauty on peoples’ faces kept improving with each swig. Even the elderly became much younger as the frothy beers flowed down the desert like throats. Anyhow, the party was in high gear as music lovers created new styles of dancing and new games to keep people on their toes. In fact, some of the games reminded me of a similar game that we once attended during the mid 90s. It was at this high class party in town and as usual, Aggrey and I were uninvited guests. All we had to do was dress up in nice looking suits and intimidate the guards at the gate. We would intimidate them by speaking in a heavy Usain Bolt Jamaican accent. We would tell the guards that we were investors in this land of opportunities. Without much hassle, we were allowed to enter the premises for the mega party. We went straight to the well decorated table. It was not decorated with flowers and daffodils. It was not decorated with a nice looking table cloth. No way! Instead it was well decorated with all tribes of booze you would ever find under the smallest star of the galaxy; called the sun! As we guzzled the cold drinks, we suddenly heard an announcement. The M.C at this party was telling the party goers that since the ratio of females was much higher, he had to find a quick fix to keep things in balance. That is why he introduced a new game called "the Cinderella dance”. This is when ladies remove one shoe and assemble them in the middle of the dancing floor. Men then rush to pick a shoe and locate the lady whose other shoe matches and off they go for the squeeze. However this time, it was not the men to pick up the ladies’ shoes but instead the ladies to pick the men’s shoes. So, after that announcement was made, all the men in the party were requested to remove one shoe and place it at the center of the dancing hall. We all obliged as man after man removed the shoe and heaped them on the floor. We then all went back to sit with one shoe on our left foot. What the ladies had to do was to select a shoe, walk around the hall and identify the owner of the shoe by comparing with the other shoe strapped on the man’s foot. Naturally, the ladies rushed to select the well expensive shoes as this translated into real mafaranga! The game was on! A slow song by Judy Boucher was played and all the ladies scrambled for the best looking shoe in the house. This took about 5 minutes as all of us men anticipated with anxiety. We were hoping that the most beautiful chicks would single out our own shoes. But alas, this was not to happen to Aggrey and me. You see, despite this disparity in numbers, there were two shoes left miserably idle at the center of the floor. Those very shoes belonged to two gentlemen who had gate crushed at this party. Those two gentlemen were none other than Aggrey and Diaspoman. Apparently; the ladies had picked up the good looking shoes leaving behind the lousy ones. Our shoes were not only lousy, but also hungry. That is why their soles were wide open resembling dead, stinking fish! We shamefully hoped back to the floor, picked up our tired shoes and fled!