From the Editor

Dear Sunday Mag reader, you have lived in Kigali, been to the best of our beauty salons, some to the not so best, and even to the ones one can regard as basic and ordinary. Well, most people do associate beauty salons with women, sitting around the whole day pampering them selves.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Sunday Mag reader, you have lived in Kigali, been to the best of our beauty salons, some to the not so best, and even to the ones one can regard as basic and ordinary. Well, most people do associate beauty salons with women, sitting around the whole day pampering them selves.It is no surprise to find laughter and gossip filled salons where women do what they love to do, making themselves look beautiful and attractive; but the new trend is that it is no longer women who spend their working day at the beauty salon. Even men have taken to it as beauticians/workers. What has it got to do with the fact that we have men who also frequent beauty salons to groom themselves?Apparently, the male take over of the beauty industry has nothing to do with the metro sexual man who is after grooming himself. In fact, as Grace Mugoya finds out in our lead feature story today, women find it cool to have men working on them in beauty salons.We also have lots of good reading material for your weekend, just flip through and enjoy. Have a nice week end.