Renewed efforts to fight domestic violence

Rwamagana–Isange-One Stop Center has condemned Gender and domestic violence going on in communities in the country.

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Govenor Odette Uwamariya condemned domestic violence which she said had reached unacceptable levels in some communities. The Sunday Times / File

Rwamagana–Isange-One Stop Center has condemned Gender and domestic violence going on in communities in the country.Isange-One Stop Center helps to provide timely, affordable, quality services to children, domestic and GBV victims, ranging from medical, psychological, shelter and legal support.This was disclosed at a two day workshop, organized by Isange OSC in partnership with Regional Police (RP) of the Eastern Province on Friday.According to Gorette Mwenzangu, the coordinator of Isange OSC, recent homicides of spouses and children over domestic conflicts in Eastern Province prompted stakeholders to take action.Stakeholders agreed to collaborate with the community in detecting and preventing GBV, sexual violence and child abuse as well as enhancing linkages on case referrals. Police figures on reported cases indicate that sexual assault and domestic violence were the highest ranking offences reported and investigated. "According to our 2011 statistics, up to 93 percent of those abused are females, of which 65 percent are children below 18 years. 6 percent are male who are either psychologically or physically abused,” said IP Mwenzangu."The overall objective of the workshop is to create a linkage between the Community policing Committees, local administration and security organs in detection, prevention, intervention, case referrals and response for effective handling of victims”.Odette Uwamariya, the Governor of the Province, who presided over the workshop, said that domestic violence had reached unacceptable levels in some communities. "This is a very important workshop that will help communities eaten up with domestic violence. In few months, we were wondering what the hell was going on…father killing child and vice versa, wife killing husband and vice versa. Our communities suffer from psycho-social problems as a result,” she said.Jean Baptiste Nduwayo, a member of Community Policing Community (CPC) said that many conflicts were kept secret."We have a culture of silence, that is our undoing…a woman will not mention to neighbors that she is under harassment from a husband. So, the conflict boils in secrecy, until one kills the other,” he said.