Red Cross offers disaster management training

Sixty youth who voluntarily decided to offer free services to Rwanda Red Cross (RRC) in Rulindo District, completed one week training yesterday.

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Trainees pose for a group photo at the closing day of the training. The Sunday Times / Grace Mugoya.

Sixty youth who voluntarily decided to offer free services to Rwanda Red Cross (RRC) in Rulindo District, completed one week training yesterday.The trainees who came from the three Sectors of Shyorongi, Rusiga and Bushoki will be charged with leading RRC`s rescue and first aid team in case of natural disasters in the district.Samson Nkiko, RRC Assistant Coordinator in charge of First Aid, said the training was part of the organisation’s strategy to reduce or prevent effects of natural disaster by involving the population in self rescue exercises."Those we have trained will not only be charged with the responsibility of supporting others, but also passing on the skills,” he said. He called on the population to take responsibility and engage in sensitisation campaigns to further build knowledge and discourage settling in risky areas.