Agaciro Development Fund timely

Editor, It’s interesting to learn that Rwandans have established the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF), a sovereign fund that was proposed during last year’s National Dialogue.

Friday, August 10, 2012
Participants at last yearu2019s National diologue where the idea of sovereign fund was mooted. The New Times / File.

Editor,It’s interesting to learn that Rwandans have established the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF), a sovereign fund that was proposed during last year’s National Dialogue. I am sure all Rwandans and their friends are excited because this is a great opportunity for Rwandans from all walks of life to actively participate in their nation’s desire to break away from the yoke of foreign aid. It may take long to mature but I know it is possible.I read in The New Times on Thursday that the process is spearheaded by Rwandans in the Diaspora, with support from their compatriots living in the country. I think this initiative must be embraced by all Rwandans. Who knows, may be after 10 or 20 years, we will be able to finance our own budget 100 per cent. In 1994, it looked far-fetched to imagine we would be financing more than half our national budget today.I only encourage our economists to carry out a study and come up with a clear direction on how the sovereign fund could work. If we cannot make it immediately, we shall forego certain luxuries but maintain our dignity. A journey becomes easier when you know the distance to the destination.

Kennedy MaridadiKacyiru


Editor,What a great initiative!  I fully support the fund and the Account numbers should be extended to the Umudugudu level. Local leaders should be encouraged to sensitise the public to voluntarily support AgDF. I will give my contribution by end of the month immediately. God bless all Rwandans as we contribute money for our Dignity. We are and must remain a sovereign state.Eddie KKigali  ------------------------Editor,True, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. We can now see the real essence of self-reliance. Let our brothers and sisters tell us the account numbers and by the end of the year, I will have contributed Rwf300, 000. If we put our heads together, this will be possible. We have walked a long journey to be where we are today. It has not been easy, and Rwandans know it. But they also know that they still have a long way to go. We will gladly build our country bit by bit.Kelly RwamaperaGatsibo