Movie review: Step up Revolution

AFTER fly dancing movies in Baltimore and New York, Step up franchise gives people yet another amazing one-Step up revolution and this time from Miami with the same actors but this time, MORE ACTION.

Friday, August 10, 2012

AFTER fly dancing movies in Baltimore and New York, Step up franchise gives people yet another amazing one-Step up revolution and this time from Miami with the same actors but this time, MORE ACTION.Step up revolutions produced by Adam Shankman and Jennifer Gibgot features homeboys Sean (Ryan Guzman) and Eddy (Misha Gabriel) who have been best friends since toddler-hood and now lead a local dance flash mob known as "The Mob,” just to keep things simple. Together with their crew, including choreographers, visual artists and a DJ, the guys have been busting out surprise dance numbers all over Miami and shooting video to compete in a YouTube contest to win $1 million.Sean’s day job as a waiter at a luxury hotel helps support his dance habit and pay the rent on the house he shares with his single-mom sister (Megan Boone) and niece. When Emily Anderson (Kathryn McCormick) turns up at the hotel – owned by her father Bill (Peter Gallagher), a ruthless real-estate developer -- for a summer of bartending while preparing to audition for a coveted spot with a high-toned local dance company, attraction inevitably sparks between the two.As it turns out, aloof Emily needs Sean’s help more than she suspects. Seems that the dance company director (Mia Michaels) thinks Emily is a talented performer but wound a bit too tightly to be truly creative. So if she wants to make it onto the roster, Emily is going to need some new moves, which she figures Sean can help deliver once she discovers he’s one of the motivators behind The Mob. After her video debut, a sexy number in a crowded, fancy restaurant, draws millions of hits online, Emily’s brought on with the group as they plan their next outrageous "mission.”And the action just can’t stop. For lovers of dance, this is the perfect movie.