Imbuto Foundation marks 10 years

Rwandan youth have been urged to preserve good values in order to shape their future.

Friday, August 10, 2012
First Lady Jeannette Kagame (C) in a group photo with some of the youths who attended the Forum. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

Rwandan youth have been urged to preserve good values in order to shape their future.The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, made the remarks on the second day of the two-day Youth Forum which ended yesterday in Kigali. The forum was organised by Imbuto Foundation which marked its 10th anniversary.Themed "Ndi Umunyarwanda” (I am Rwandan) the meeting is an annual event that brings together young people aged between 18 and 35 to discuss their common identity and responsibilities towards shaping a bright future.Yesterday’s meeting drew youth aged between 25 and 35. It highlighted ways of engaging young professionals to build a brighter future.Mrs. Kagame, the organisation's founder, urged young people to preserve their common identity and values to be the role models in their communities."These discussions about you are not the lessons we are offering to you but its platform to discuss the challenges facing young people and look for solutions,” she told the youth.Mrs Kagame noted the forum is a measurement for everybody to help them find where they have reached and seek solutions for the challenges they face in their daily life."Considering the discussions we had today my message is to encourage you to play a key role in shaping the future of this country. I am very pleased and I want to especially thank you for your passionate deliberations. I think every Rwandan who falls in this age group and mine and above, you have given us unmeasured hope of the future to come,” The First Lady said."They are the ones who motivated us to have a strong patriotism towards the development of our country.”"We cannot ignore the past generation where our identity and common values lost their distinction due to the bad history in country. Some of you grew up without hope of this country’s future during the difficult times your parents faced,” Mrs Kagame stated."Today you have a chance that your parents did not have.  Today you have a country that values you and engagements that supports you to the extent where everybody is proud of being Rwandans. I can also proudly say that I am happy to be a Rwandan.”The First Lady observed that, all available programmes in the country value young people’s in put, including giving them platform at various decision making levels.Opia Mensah Kumah, the UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative said the forum offered the youth an opportunity to learn from one another. "Life is full of challenges and we should face them with the right attitude because we cannot avoid them since these challenges come from the society we live in”.Eric Niyongabo, one of the participants said, "Young people’s work will only be meaningful if each of them remains healthy and becomes purposeful and patriotic in whatever they do for the future of Rwanda.”Jean Philbert Nsengimana, the Minister of Youth and ICT called upon the youth to be ambitious in whatever they do by showing the responsibility of developing the country."You should be the young people with a target, mission, and promise. This will depend on how you preserve your values, cultures and attitude towards the future of this country,” he told participants.Bishop John Rucyahana the President of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission urged young people to lay a good foundation for the next generation.