Nobody is above the law

Editor, I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times of August 8, titled “Sect members jailed for one year”.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to a story that appeared in The New Times of August 8, titled "Sect members jailed for one year”. People ought to know that nobody can prevent anyone to practice your faith in the way you want but everybody should do it within the confines of the law. Nobody is above the law. Belonging to whatever faith is everyone’s right but that should not inconvenience others or be used to undermine development programmes.Authorities are there to protect general public interests. God gave us the ability to reason. We need to use this gift well, and be a little more logical and critical in how we conduct ourselves and believe. We must not accept all the religious teachings blindly as this may result into fanaticism. Edouard BahatiRwabuye