The ultimate blind date

Did you ever go through the saga where through a friend, you would get hooked to someone you had a crush on, but then this ‘friend’ would tell the person different things just to win them over and hook themselves up instead?

Thursday, August 09, 2012
Keep it light and fun on your blind date. Net photo.

Did you ever go through the saga where through a friend, you would get hooked to someone you had a crush on, but then this ‘friend’ would tell the person different things just to win them over and hook themselves up instead? If you did, you probably sat somewhere waiting for results, poor thing. Naturally, this Judas for a friend would convince you that things were going as planned and that in just a while, you’d be enjoying the company of this crush. Presents sent were never delivered and the silence and waiting were nothing short of tormenting!  How great is it that we are so past that era where we couldn’t just step up and go for whatever it is we wanted? These days, people hook up in all sorts of ways like radio and TV programmes, the internet and newspaper ‘lonely hearts’ sections! This brings me to the point I wanted to put across – blind dating. If or when you decide to go for a blind date, bear in mind that the person you are going to see is as nervous as you, so keep it light and casual. Let I sink in your mind to be on your best behavior. This means be polite, courteous, a great listener and everything will go well.  Don’t just leave for the date without putting some things into consideration. Sit down and make notes of what it is you want or are looking for. No matter how desperate you are to get a partner, do not jump into anything with haste. Ask questions you feel you need the answers to without making the other party feel like they are being interrogated. Keep it real because no one wants a fake! Talk about stuff you are genuinely interested in and try not to make it look like you have something to say about everything just to make you seem smart. Do not pretend to like things you do in fact hate! That is a recipe for disaster. If you are naturally not bothered with keeping make an exception just this once. It is rude to keep someone waiting. Keep the date reasonably short – you do not want to unleash too much information on the first date. If you drink, try not to drink too much – a glass of wine maybe. Above everything, just try to make the evening as pleasant as possible.