Annoying gossiping men

A guy who can’t keep his mouth shut is worse than a cheat and liar put together .Mr. I-have-so-much-to-say, I don’t want to sound mean or anything but trust me, this is worse than a face to face confrontation with other parties present. So allow me to humbly school you (gossiping chaps). Maybe after this, you’ll change.

Thursday, August 09, 2012
Martin Bishop

A guy who can’t keep his mouth shut is worse than a cheat and liar put together .Mr. I-have-so-much-to-say, I don’t want to sound mean or anything but trust me, this is worse than a face to face confrontation with other parties present. So allow me to humbly school you (gossiping chaps). Maybe after this, you’ll change.When the sun goes down and men (real men) go out for a drink to wash off the day’s stress, the last thing they need is the company of some guy with loose lips who seems to have a scoop on everything and everyone - reminding them of women living in the ghetto. Being around other guys sipping a cold beer, watching a game of soccer or listening to loud music is all they need for a fantastic night out. Spoiling the evening would be telling everyone how your boss is hitting on his secretary or how the girl who just walked into the joint slept with nearly half the guys in a certain hall while at university. That not only spoils the evening but also makes one wonder how the saggy lipped fellow operates. It is a known fact that when people suffer low self esteem or feel unworthy and inferior to others they start gossiping about others in an effort to feel good about themselves.Another reason behind gossiping is jealousy/envy. When someone is jealous of another, gossip becomes a source of comfort. Others do it just so they can get as many people to hate another as they possibly can. Dude, if you are the gossiping type, next time you find yourself alone at the bar counter, don’t wonder where all the guys went.  We might be able to handle work stress and relationship sagas but please, not gossiping men! I humbly suggest you get a life and give us all a break!  If you don’t know how to be man or let me assume the big guy up there forgot to install the ‘How to be a man’ software in you, learn from real-men around you. Lastly, ever heard of the saying What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?To put it simply, this means office issues are best left in the office and whatever happens in the bar stays in the bar. Yes, that means if I flirt a little with the hot waitress, no one else has to know that.