The need to redefine marriage

I find myself applauding the modern society we live in particularly because all the traditional values and sanctity of marriage do not have to play a significant role in my life anymore.

Thursday, August 09, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

I find myself applauding the modern society we live in particularly because all the traditional values and sanctity of marriage do not have to play a significant role in my life anymore.Gone are the days when women were possessions and sex slaves for life. Modern society is so wonderful that married women can file a case against their husbands for failing to perform their marital duties. Today, we are partners and if you cannot deal with that, then sorry - you will just have to sort it out with my lawyer or even better just back the hell off.I also find it amusing that we do not have to have an intact hymen to walk down the aisle, that is if we want to walk down the aisle anyway. We could just decide to do what fits our budget, or whatever we believe is the epitome of romance.The big white dress has only turned out to be some kind of laboratory equipment needed to go through the marriage experiment. It does not hold any value anymore and frankly many people can now comfortably live without one.I even find it more interesting that if the damn marriage does not work out, you can always get a divorce, it is as easy as that. Thanks to modernity. After all, aren’t we for experiments seeing as experience is the best teacher? Even better, no one is going to chase you from your village, no parent is going to disown you or scold you for having multiple divorces, disregarding the fact that you still have steamy sex with all the men you divorced under the guise of comfort and "trying to make it work” thanks to modernity!This hypocrisy further extends to the men (well at least some of them) as well; they are out there looking for some young thing to insert their male business in, lying to themselves that they can only make it work or stay married if they have a sexual relationship with a 20 year old outside their marriage. So I came up with the conclusion that the only reason a happy marriage is a wonderful thing is because a happy marriage is a rare thing.If you find yourself relating perfectly with what I have written here then you are a lying, cheating, despicable work of art. And you ought to be ashamed because you are the reason my grandparents think we live in a rotten generation, and most of all the reason why I always have to sit down with them and be given the pep talk of why I should not be like you.