Understanding basic body language

Body language is gaining an understanding of someone from the movements of their body. Whether we feel happy, sad or anxious, it can all be told in our body movement. Body language has been a subject of immense research over the years. You can never get enough information.

Thursday, August 09, 2012
You can tell how comfortable a person is through body language. Net photo.

Body language is gaining an understanding of someone from the movements of their body. Whether we feel happy, sad or anxious, it can all be told in our body movement. Body language has been a subject of immense research over the years. You can never get enough information.Below are some body language signs; Crossing the arms indicates disinterest or discomfort. Whilst talking to somebody, if you notice them crossing their arms, this indicates that they are not comfortable revealing certain information to you. Handshakes also say a lot about a person’s interest or disinterest in you. If a person shakes your hand loosely that means they are not interested in meeting you or simply not pleased. A distressed state of mind can be determined through someone who constantly bites their lips, plays with their hair or blinks way too many times. Someone who is lying to you won’t be able to make contact with you. They will look everywhere but your eyes!Aggressive body language may indicate that a person has little to contribute in terms of content in a meeting and hence is masking behind that kind of behavior.A smile or lack of it also goes on to tell a lot about a person. A person who is friendly and comfortable in the environment will always wear a smile as compared to the grumpy looking one. A person sprinting lightly on his toes is happy while a person walking as slowly as possible with their head down is troubled. You can tell the size of someone’s ego just by the way they walk. In men especially, if they walk with their chest pushed forward, swaying their arms, his arrogance is unmatched. Your confidence speaks through your attitude. Anyone who fumbles with their clothes or keeps looking at themselves through anything that gives a reflection can’t be that confident. Body language is an art that will never be completely mastered but interesting indeed.