Des Mille Collines tour on today

Six local cycling clubs have confirmed their participation in today’s Ascension des Mille Collines (Ascension of Thousand Hills) tour. The clubs include Cine Elmay, Huye, Kayonza, Rapid Bicycle, Rubavu and Rwamagana.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Six local cycling clubs have confirmed their participation in today’s Ascension des Mille Collines (Ascension of Thousand Hills) tour. The clubs include Cine Elmay, Huye, Kayonza, Rapid Bicycle, Rubavu and Rwamagana.

According to officials in the local cycling federation, competitors will ride 132km from Amahoro stadium to Huye district in the Southern Province.

The female riders will ride 72km starting from Muhanga, pass through Kamonyi, Ruhango, Nyanza and finish at Huye stadium.

This year’s event has not attracted any sponsor, which means Rwanda Cycling Federation and the individual clubs will meet all the expenses. Previously, the event has bee sponsored by MTN.

The Secretary General of the local cycling federation, Ferwacy, Thierry Rwabusaza said, "MTN have pledged to sponsor Tour de Rwanda and they are not ready to sponsor this one (Ascension of Thousand Hills).”

Team Rwanda cyclists; Abraham Ruhumuriza, Adrian Niyonshuti, Uwase Nyanwi, Nathan Byukusenge, Jean de Dieu Rafiki and new entrant Daniel Niyonkuru are among the top cyclists expected to take part in today’s event.

Niyonkuru finished second in the season opener, Tour de Kigali which was won by Obed Ruvogera also a member of Team Rwanda but he misses today’s race injured.

Ascension Des Mille Collines is aimed at preparing cyclists who will participate in the forthcoming Tour du Rwanda scheduled for July.
