Diaspora students tour development projects

Nyagatare – Students from the Diaspora currently undergoing civic education training at the Rwanda Military Academy in Gako, Tuesday, toured several development projects in the Eastern Province.

Thursday, August 09, 2012
Diaspora students listening to engineers at East African Granite Industry in Nyagatare. The New Times / S. Rwembeho.

Nyagatare – Students from the Diaspora currently undergoing civic education training at the Rwanda Military Academy in Gako, Tuesday, toured several development projects in the Eastern Province.A delegation of at least 100 students, accompanied by officials from the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), visited East African Granite Industry, where they expressed excitement at the vast raw materials available in Rwanda to feed the industry for over 44 years.Marie-Paule Bamage, 18, who also holds German nationality, told The New Times that Rwanda was moving at a satisfactory pace towards realising economic emancipation.She said the country’s quick stability was interesting, noting that the country was on course to attaining middle income status."It is my first time in Rwanda, but I have always had a positive attitude towards the country. I always imagined that Rwanda was a country struggling to develop after the Genocide. In any case, my father is Rwandan and I had reasons to feel good about my country,” she said."We don’t need to compare it with the developed world, projects on the ground speak volumes”.Paul Businge, another student, reiterated that the political climate in the country was conducive enough to pave way for development.He said the Diaspora students took many lessons that would be shared with others who never got a chance to come to Rwanda."We saw families of former killers during the genocide and survivors which completely united (in Gahini sector). It is this reconciliation and unity that has pushed Rwanda this far…he told residents of Gahini sector.Dr Jean Baptiste Habyarimana, the Executive Secretary for NURC, told the students to make the most of the lessons learnt for the benefit of the country."This is an opportunity for you to relax and rethink about your contribution to develop your country,” he told the students.